Tuesday, October 9, 2012

north face clothing looking on like a few companions.

nk, firing a surface-to-air missile. Seeing a tank suffered bad luck, all tank drivers understand the interest of the helicopter, suddenly like blasted the nest like scurrying around the Huaxiang prank to catch up with a few more of them, and they did not launch the missile, turned around,running shoes black, shift the missiles aimed at another place tanks fired God the read capture to that a few more chase inside driver is scared the bitter ghosts howl, urine Saide mouth strayed cold smile.
Miss a few more have been too frightened of the tank, he re-lock those tanks some courage which a finger slightly hard, the rest of the air-to-ground missile flew out,north face clothing, there is a tank explosion in tanks to this whole tanks lift to fly in mid-air and crashed in another tank car body, seems reconciled to the hell alone, looking on like a few companions.
Ground missiles already finished shooting it, then temporarily let you play, or infantry and those who go.
The name of this Note, Huaxiang helicopter to riding APCs with soldiers caught up in the tank behind.
Helicopters weapons with addition to four air-to-ground missile, there is a large-caliber guns and a cellular rocket launchers. To take attacking tanks may not, but if used to kill infantry that is fairly easy to use .
Dive down in the infantry group, cannon and rockets spit out a string of flame, wanton harvesting the lives of soldiers and soldiers in the network of fire leaping fled with hard dance performances to greet death. Unfortunately, their wonderful performing without an audie

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