Sunday, October 28, 2012

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Hell flame horses standing in front of a plain black, blood-red eyes pupil, but vague flame burning four huge hoof impatiently pawing the ground, from time to time there will be bloody flame out of thin air from Horseshoe come up next.
Immediately a dark knight, a dark body armor cladding helmet, helmet can only see the pair of the same bloody eyes black knight to mention a huge cut Ma Long Knives, cutting edge desultory cloth full the numerous gaps do not know how much the spirits of the dead have been salvation seven bone spear backs fan of the Black Knight is scheduled to open a two-handed sword Xiegua horse after.
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Ghost Rider mean there is no exchange with the intruder., In its view, the two weak waste it is to send home the food it pushed long waiting impatiently hell flame horses, brandished a knife and rushed over.
Gregory and Temptress Moon blankly standing seems scared silly this case Ghost Rider see much hell flame horse born under the coercion of the weak undead have often been stunned .
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Friday, October 12, 2012

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